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Friday, November 12, 2010

Featured Artist : Fallon Connolly

Fallon’s Bio

I am a stay at home mother living in Sunnyside, New York.
I have a Bachelor Degree in Advertising, and have worked in the television advertising industry for over 15 years. My new found love is nothing new but a true love and passion that have taken a back seat to a corporate career until recently.
I enjoy painting and calligraphy, with the advantage of knowing the Chinese language, and the love to paint flowers, plants, birds and animals in a calligraphy form, my passion is to combine Chinese calligraphy and art in one small surface, in the form of greeting cards, children clothing and small frames.
I offer custom/personalized greeting cards, translation of names and sayings and good luck/Feng Shui idioms from English to Chinese with light painting and create a one of a kind personalized gift.
I hope you will enjoy my work and I am planning on opening an Etsy account and creating a website very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Is it too late to ask if I can be a vendor at the event? I live in Jackson Heights, and am constantly making things. I would be able to sell snowman cupcakes, bookmarks and some handmade plushies. My email address is olgazq@gmail.com. I could send over some pictures of things I've made. Thanks, Olga
